What state management solutions do you use in your React Native apps?
State management ratios over time
State management ratios over time
State management experience & sentiment
State management experience & sentiment
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- Used it: Respondents who have used an item.
- Heard of it: Respondents who have heard about an item, but haven't used it.
- Never heard of it: Respondents who have never heard about an item.
- Positive: Respondents who are interested in learning more about a technology; or are willing to use it again.
- Neutral: Responents who did not indicate any sentiment about a technology.
- Negative: Respondents who are not interested in learning more about a technology; or have used it and had a negative experience.
Other solutions
Other solutions
Other state management solutions
What other solutions not mentioned above have you used in your React Native apps?
State management pain points
State management pain points
State management pain points
What pain points have you encountered with state management in your React Native projects? If applicable, point out the specific solution and its problems.
Zustand continues its rise as the go-to modern state management library, offering a refreshingly simple developer experience. Besides the React built-ins, no other libraries leaves developers with such a positive experience after using it.
Which also shows that using the Context API is still extremely popular, and actually an acceptable solution for the needs of most small apps.
For server state, TanStack Query remains unmatched—essential for any React Native app interacting with APIs.
The biggest challenge for state management remains synchronisation. AsyncStorage isn’t up to the challenges of today compared to solutions like MMKV, and especially. With the growing shift toward local-first approaches, developers are craving seamless app-to-backend sync mechanisms."

Simon Grimm
Galaxies.dev founder
On-device storage
On-device storage
What on-device storage solutions do you use in your React Native apps?
Local-first app architecture
Local-first app architecture
Are you familiar with local-first app architecture pattern?
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